Unison Help

  1. Unison Kernel
    1. Pthreads
      1. pthread_create()
      2. pthread_exit()
      3. pthread_self()
      4. pthread_equal()
      5. pthread_join()
      6. pthread_detach()
      7. pthread_setschedparam()
      8. pthread_getschedparam()
      9. pthread_attr_init()
      10. pthread_attr_destroy()
      11. pthread_attr_setstackaddr()
      12. pthread_attr_getstackaddr()
      13. pthread_attr_setstacksize()
      14. pthread_attr_getstacksize()
      15. pthread_attr_setschedparam()
      16. pthread_attr_getschedparam()
      17. pthread_attr_setdetachstate()
      18. pthread_attr_getdetachstate()
      19. pthread_stackinfo()
      20. pthread_setprio()
      21. pthread_getprio()
      22. sched_get_priority_max()
      23. sched_get_priority_min()
      24. sched_yield()
    2. Pthread Cancellation
      1. pthread_cleanup_pop()
      2. pthread_cleanup_push()
      3. pthread_cancel()
      4. pthread_setcanceltype()
      5. pthread_setcancelstate()
      6. pthread_testcancel()
    3. Mutex
      1. pthread_mutex_init()
      2. pthread_mutex_destroy()
      3. pthread_mutex_lock()
      4. pthread_mutex_trylock()
      5. pthread_mutex_unlock()
    4. Semaphores
      1. sem_open()
      2. sem_close()
      3. sem_unlink()
      4. sem_init()
      5. sem_destroy()
      6. sem_wait()
      7. sem_trywait()
      8. sem_timedwait()
      9. sem_post()
      10. sem_getvalue()
    5. Message Queues
      1. mq_open()
      2. mq_close()
      3. mq_unlink()
      4. mq_send()
      5. mq_receive()
      6. mq_notify()
      7. mq_setattr()
      8. mq_getattr()
      9. mq_timedreceive()
      10. mq_timedsend()
    6. Conditional Variables
      1. pthread_cond_init()
      2. pthread_cond_destroy()
      3. pthread_cond_wait()
      4. pthread_cond_timedwait()
      5. pthread_cond_signal()
      6. pthread_cond_broadcast()
      7. pthread_condattr_init()
      8. pthread_condattr_destroy()
    7. Barriers
      1. pthread_barrier_init()
      2. pthread_barrier_destroy()
      3. pthread_barrier_wait()
    8. Timers
      1. timer_create()
      2. timer_delete()
      3. timer_settime()
      4. timer_gettime()
      5. timer_getoverrun()
      6. timer_tick()
      7. nanosleep()
    9. Clocks
      1. time()
      2. uptime()
      3. sleep()
      4. clock_settime()
      5. clock_gettime()
      6. clock_getres()
      7. clock_init()
    10. Memory Allocation
      1. POSIX.1
        1. malloc()
        2. free()
      2. Variable Length (Pools)
        1. pool_create()
        2. pool_destroy()
        3. pool_alloc()
        4. pool_free()
      3. Fixed Length (Partitions)
        1. pt_create()
        2. pt_destroy()
        3. pt_getblock()
        4. pt_freeblock()
    11. Rendezvous
      1. mr_init()
      2. mr_send()
      3. mr_receive()
      4. mr_reply()
      5. mr_sigrecv()
      6. mr_sigpost()
    12. Interrupts
      1. interrupts
      2. i_disable()
      3. i_restore()
    13. Directory Services
      1. dir_register()
      2. dir_deregister()
      3. dir_lookup()
      4. dir_lookup_string()
    14. Miscellaneous
      1. checkIstack()
      2. NanoStart() or DSPexec_Start()
      3. _isrStackFill
      4. Kernel Scaling
      5. kfatal()
      6. kalloc()
      7. kfree()
      8. mpu or mmu
      9. pthreadStackFill
      10. thread_numb()
      11. thread_utilization_start()
      12. thread_utilization_stop()
      13. xprintf()
      14. xputs()
      15. xputchar()
  2. Unison I/O Library
    1. accept()
    2. bind()
    3. chmod()
    4. close()
    5. connect()
    6. creat()
    7. fstat()
    8. getpeername()
    9. getsockname()
    10. getsockopt()
    11. ioctl()
    12. link()
    13. listen()
    14. lseek()
    15. mkdir()
    16. mkfs()
    17. mount()
    18. open()
    19. read()
    20. recv()
    21. recvfrom()
    22. rename()
    23. renameat()
    24. rmdir()
    25. select()
    26. send()
    27. sendto()
    28. setsockopt()
    29. shutdown()
    30. socket()
    31. stat()
    32. sync()
    33. umount()
    34. unlink()
    35. write()
  3. Unison STDIO Library
    1. STDIO Library Calls
      1. clearerr()
      2. dprintf()
      3. fclose()
      4. fdopen()
      5. feof()
      6. ferror()
      7. fileno()
      8. fflush()
      9. fgetc()
      10. fgetpos()
      11. fgets()
      12. fopen()
      13. fprintf()
      14. fputc()
      15. fputs()
      16. fread()
      17. freopen()
      18. fscanf()
      19. fseek()
      20. fseeko()
      21. fsetpos()
      22. ftell()
      23. ftello()
      24. fwrite()
      25. getc()
      26. getc_unlocked()
      27. getchar()
      28. getchar_unlocked()
      29. getdelim()
      30. getline()
      31. gets()
      32. get_stderr_ptr()
      33. get_stdin_ptr()
      34. get_stdout_ptr()
      35. noperprintf()
      36. perprintf()
      37. perror()
      38. posix_compat()
      39. printf()
      40. putc()
      41. putc_unlocked()
      42. putchar()
      43. putchar_unlocked()
      44. puts()
      45. remove()
      46. rewind()
      47. scanf()
      48. setbuf()
      49. setvbuf()
      50. snprintf()
      51. sprintf()
      52. sscanf()
      53. stderr_init()
      54. stderr_close()
      55. stdin_init()
      56. stdin_close()
      57. stdout_init()
      58. stdout_close()
      59. vdprintf()
      60. vscanf()
      61. vsscanf()
      62. vfscanf()
      63. vprintf()
      64. vsnprintf()
      65. vsprintf()
      66. vfprintf()
      67. ungetc()
    2. Do-nothing Stubs
      1. ctermid()
      2. flockfile()
      3. fmemopen()
      4. ftrylockfile()
      5. open_memstream()
      6. pclose()
      7. popen()
      8. tempnam()
      9. tmpfile()
      10. tmpnam()
  4. Unison LIBC Library
    1. LIBC Library Calls
      1. assert()
      2. realloc()
      3. strcasecmp()
      4. strdup()
      5. strncasecmp()
      6. strftime()
    2. Do-nothing Stubs
      1. abort()
      2. execve()
      3. exit()
      4. _Exit()
      5. fork()
      6. getpid()
      7. isatty()
      8. kill()
      9. sbrk()
      10. times()
      11. wait()
    3. Do-nothing Wide-character Stubs
      1. <wchar.h>
      2. <wctype.h>
  5. Unison I/O Servers
    1. File Servers
      1. Multimedia File Server - fsys
      2. FAT File System - fatfs
      3. NAND File Server - nandfsys
      4. NOR File Server - norfsys
      5. Network File Server - nfs
  6. Graphics, Camera, Video, Audio
    1. Vendor Graphics
    2. Prism++ Graphics
    3. ADPCM Services - adpcmd
    4. Camera
  7. Network Protocols
    1. TCP and UDP Server - tcpd
      1. IPv4 only server
      2. IPv4/IPv6 server
    2. DHCP Client Service - dhcp client
    3. DHCP Server - dhcpd
    4. Telnet Server - telnetd
    5. Tiny FTP Server - tftpd
    6. Point to Point - pppd
    7. Network Translation - NAT with PAT
    8. Firewall
      1. Packet filter: pf
      2. Packet filter control: pfctl
      3. Fitler rules: pf.filtering
      4. Translation rules: pf.nat
    9. Tiny HTTP Server - thttpd
    10. Tiny HTTP Server with TLS
    11. POP3 Server
    12. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Services (SMTP)
    13. Bootp Protocol
    14. File Transfer Protocol Server (FTP)
    15. File Transfer Client Services
    16. RPC / XDR
    17. DNS Client
    18. HTTP/HTTPS Client
    19. REST Client
    20. AutoIP Service - autoip client
    21. mDNS server - mdnsd
    22. SNTP Client
    23. SNMP Agent - Snmpd server
    24. SSL/TLS library
    25. SSH server
    26. IP security
      1. IPsec description
      2. IPsec administration: ipsecadm
      3. Virtual Private Network: VPN
    27. Power Control
      1. Motor and Motion Control Servers
      2. PWM, Encoders
    28. Serial I/O
      1. Asynchronous Serial I/O Server - ttyserver
      2. CAN Server - cand
      3. I2C Server - i2cd
      4. I2S Server - i2sd
    29. System Services
      1. Power Management Servers
      2. Login Service - login_services
      3. XML
      4. POSIX Shell and Login Service - posh
    30. Universal Serial Bus (USB)
      1. USB Server
      2. USB Device Server
      3. USB Embedded Host Server
    31. Wireless
      1. Wireless Servers and Drivers
      2. 802.15.4 Radio Servers
      3. TCP/v6 with 6loWPAN
      4. ZigBee
      5. BlueTooth Server
      6. 802.11 Wi-Fi
      7. GPRS, UHF and GPS Radio Servers
    32. Remedy Tools for Unison
      1. Remedy Data Logging and Event Display Tools
      2. Remedy Diagnostics
      3. Remedy Flash Downloader/Bootloader
      4. Remedy Power On Self Test - POST
      5. Remedy OS Object Viewer
      6. Remedy Remote Control Tools #


select, FD_CLR, FD_ISSET, FD_SET, FD_ZERO – synchronous I/O multiplexing


#include <sys/select.h>

int select(int n, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout);

FD_CLR(int fd, fd_set *set);
FD_ISSET(int fd, fd_set *set);
FD_SET(int fd, fd_set *set);
FD_ZERO(fd_set *set);


The function select waits for a number of file descriptors to change status. The select function uses a timeout that is a struct timeval (with seconds and microseconds) and the function will update the timeout parameter to indicate how much time was left.

Three independent sets of descriptors are watched. Those listed in readfds will be watched to see if characters become available for reading (more precisely, to see if a read will not block – in particular, a file descriptor is also ready on end-of-file). Those in writefds will be watched to see if a write will not block, and those in exceptfds will be watched for exceptions. On exit, the sets are modified in place to indicate which descriptors actually changed status.

Four macros are provided to manipulate the sets. FD_ZERO will clear a set. FD_SET and FD_CLR add or remove a given descriptor from a set. FD_ISSET tests to see if a descriptor is part of the set; this is useful after select returns.

n is the highest-numbered descriptor in any of the three sets, plus 1.

timeout is an upper bound on the amount of time elapsed before select returns. It may be zero, causing select to return immediately. (This is useful for polling.) If timeout is NULL (no timeout), select can block indefinitely.

The timeout

The time structures involved are defined in < sys/time.h > and look like

struct timeval { 
    long    tv_sec;         /* seconds */
    long    tv_usec;        /* microseconds */

Some code calls select with all three sets empty, n zero, and a non-null timeout as a fairly portable way to sleep with subsecond precision.

On Linux, Unison and DSPnano, the function select modifies timeout to reflect the amount of time not slept; most other implementations do not do this. This causes problems both when code which reads timeout is ported to other operating systems, and when code is ported to Linux, Unison or DSPnano that reuses a struct timeval for multiple selects in a loop without reinitializing it. Consider timeout to be undefined after select returns.


On success, select returns the number of descriptors contained in the descriptor sets, which may be zero if the timeout expires before anything interesting happens. On error, -1 is returned, and errno is set appropriately; the sets and timeout become undefined, so do not rely on their contents after an error.


An invalid file descriptor was given in one of the sets.
n is negative or the value contained within timeout is invalid.
select was unable to allocate memory for internal tables.


#include < stdio.h >
#include < sys/time.h >
#include < sys/select.h >

THREAD Simple_Select(void *) {

    fd_set rfds;
    struct timeval tv;
    int retval;

    /* Watch stdin (fd 0) to see when it has input. */
    FD_SET(0, &rfds);
    /* Wait up to five seconds. */
    tv.tv_sec = 5;
    tv.tv_usec = 0;

    retval = select(1, &rfds, NULL, NULL, &tv);
    /* Don't rely on the value of tv now! */

    if (retval == -1)
    else if (retval)
        printf("Data is available now.\n");
        /* FD_ISSET(0, &rfds) will be true. */
        printf("No data within five seconds.\n");

    return 0;


An fd_set is a fixed size buffer. Executing FD_CLR or FD_SET with a value of fd that is negative or is equal to or larger than FD_SETSIZE will result in undefined behavior. POSIX requires fd to be a valid file descriptor.

Concerning the types involved, the classical situation is that the two fields of a struct timeval are longs (as shown above), and the struct is defined in < sys/time.h >. The Linux, Unison, DSPnano and POSIX 1003.1-2001 situation is

struct timeval {
    time_t         tv_sec;     /* seconds */
    useconds_t     tv_usec;    /* microseconds */

where the struct is defined in < sys/time.h > and the data types time_t and useconds_t are defined in < sys/types.h >.

The Linux, Unison, DSPnano and POSIX 1003.1-2001 situation is that one should include < sys/select.h > for select.


For a tutorial with discussion and examples, see the Unison or DSPnano Programmer’s Guides and the demo directory.

For related calls, see accept, connect, read, recv, send, write

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